Tuesday, December 21, 2010

49er Game

Christmas Present For my boyfriend :)
Didn't get too creative, got him the same thing last year :)
He loves footbal and the niners. We flew to San Fran last year and since they were in San Diego this year I thought we better take advantage of it :0
Now he's been to 2 different NFL fields :) We had really good seats too. They got their butts kicked but oh well He still enjoyed it.
Next time I spend over $200 on the Niners they better win!!

Taylor Swifts 21 Birthday Video

Watch this :)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Guitar Lessons

Playing the guitar is so hard!!!!! It's gotta be like the hardest instument ever!!!
lol I'm sure there are harder ones... but boy oh boy do my fingers hurt. I even had to cut my finger nails and I hate having short nails!!! it feels so weird. The tips of my fingers hurts from trying to hold down the strings. I can't even play a chord well let alone playing 2 chords one after the other. idk how people do it!!! Definitely a new appreciation for them!!!
I hope it gets easier. I need to work up my hand muscles and get my fingers to stretch!!!! I'll probably get calluses... but at least my fingers won't hurt??
We'll see how it goes!

Thursday, July 29, 2010


Oh Bumpless, itch free body how I miss you!! :(
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Tuesday, February 02, 2010

LVN Status!!

So I found out over a week ago that I passed my State boards and I am now a Licensed nurse!!
how exciting!! :) I have to wait to see if I will be able to move up in the company. I won't be able to at my current facility which is a bummer but it's a possibility for another one. It would be great to stay with the company.
I just started taking my first online class in order to pursue my BSN degree. It's going to take a bit of time, but this way I can still work full time and go to school. I'm going to have to try to be dedicated... it can be hard online, but at least I won't have to waste time going to class all day then doing homework!
It's exciting and scary to be an official nurse! We'll see what's in store next!